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Teaching Series: Atrial Fibrillation With Left Bundle Branch Block

This is a good example of atrial fibrillation with left bundle branch block.  You get two ECGs with this one, because the patient presented to EMS with a fast heart rate, and the rate was slowed with the drug diltiazem.  We do not have any other patient information, unfortunately.

In the first strip, we see a wide-complex tachycardia.  In an emergency situation, with an unstable patient, this rhythm could safely be treated using an emergency ventricular tachycardia (VT) protocol.  In fact, all WCTs should be considered to be VT until proven otherwise.  In most emergency settings, the unstable VT patient would be electrically cardioverted, which will often convert atrial fibrillation as well.  The stable patient with this rhythm would be treated with an antiarrhythmic drug, such as amiodarone.  This may convert or slow down atrial fib.  So, in the initial stages of treatment, differentiating between VT and A Fib is not the first priority.  Assessing the patient's hemodynamic stability and addressing the rate if necessary are the priorities.  

So, how do we know this is NOT VT?  It can be difficult, but in this case, the rhythm, even though fast, is very irregular.   VT is not always perfectly regular, but this irregularly-irregular rhythm points to atrial fibrillation. Also, the pattern of the QRS morphology fits with LBBB.  The criteria for LBBB are:  1) supraventricular rhythm, 2) wide QRS, 3) negative QRS in V1 with positive QRS in Leads I and V6.  If we assume the rhythm is atrial fibrillation, we meet the first criteria.  The other two are self-evident.

After the medication is administered, 10 minutes later, we see the rate slow down.  There is no change in the irregularly-irregular rhythm, and the LBBB pattern remains.  All that has changed is the rate and, hopefully, the patient's symptoms.  This confirms that the original rhythm was not VT.  

Remember, atrial fib lowers cardiac output because there is no P wave - no "atrial kick".  Also, the fast rate associated with new-onset atrial fib often compromises ventricular filling and cardiac output.   LBBB also has a deleterious effect on cardiac output.  Wide QRS complexes indicate that the ventricles are not contracting efficiently and synchronously.  The left ventricle is depolarizing by way of a slow wave of depolarization, rather than all the cells getting the message to depolarize at the same time.  Having these two conditions at the same time can have a very negative effect on cardiac output, leading to CHF.  The first step in treatment often involves simply slowing the rate to normal, which allows for better ventricular filling and decreases the workload on the heart.  Then, the fibrillation and bundle branch block can be addressed.

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ECG Basics: Atrial Fibrillation With Rapid Ventricular Response

This is a good rhythm strip to use to illustrate how atrial fibrillation can almost look regular when the rate is fast.  Students should be taught how to "march out" the rhythm for regularity.  It is always a good idea with atrial fib to take a longer strip, looking for the inevitable "gaps" in the R-to-R intervals.  Also, as your students progress, a 12-lead ECG is invaluable to really search for P waves.  Even two or three simultaneous leads are better than just one.

Dawn's picture

ECG Basics: Atrial Fibrillation With A Controlled Ventricular Response

Atrial fibrillation with a controlled ventricular response is often considered to be atrial fib that has been controlled with medication.  While this is often true, it is possible to see atrial fib with a ventricular rate between 50 and 100 bpm in a patient who has not been treated.  The hallmark signs of atrial fib are:  no P waves and irregularly-irregular rhythm.

Multiple, simultaneous leads are advised to be sure there are no P waves, and a long rhythm strip is often needed to prove the irregularly-irregular rhythm.  Remember, even though this rate is adequate (about 90 bpm), the loss of P waves means no "atrial kick".  The atria are not filling the ventricles with a forceful pumping action. Patients can lose a significant percentage - up to 25% - of their cardiac output because of this.  Coupled with the risk of stroke from the formation and embolization of blood clots from the sluggish circulation in the atria, it is much preferable to have sinus rhythm at the same rate.

Dawn's picture

ECG Basics: Atrial Fibrillation With Rapid Ventricular Response

This is a good basic rhythm strip example of atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response showing the identifying characteristics of atrial fibrillation:  no P waves, an irregularly-irregular rhythm, and a "fibrillatory" baseline.  The wavy baseline will not be seen in all leads in all patients, so it is best to use the first two findings as diagnostic criteria.  Atrial fib often appears initially as a rapid rhythm, as the AV node is being bombarded by many impulses from multiple foci (pacemakers) in the atria.  Depending upon the AV node's ability to transmit these impulses,however, we could see a slow, normal, or rapid ventricular response. 

Atrial fib has very chaotic depolarization of the atrial muscle, resulting in quivering and ineffective pumping of the atria.  This loss of "atrial kick" can severely reduce ventricular filling, and can reduce cardiac output by as much as 25%.  In patients with a very rapid rate, cardiac output can be further reduced, causing CHF.  In addition, the fibrillating atria can form blood clots due to sluggish movement of blood.  These clots can embolize and cause stroke.  For these reasons, patients with atrial fib are anticoagulated and sometimes the atrial fib is stopped by medical, surgical, or electrical therapy.  Recurrence of atrial fib is common after treatment, and for some patients, control of the ventricular rate and anticoagulation become the preferred treatment.


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