Welcome to Dr. Andreas Roeschl, who is a cardiologist and ECG instructor in Germany. He will have a recurring blog on the Guru, contributing his knowledge about ECG and teaching, along with ECGs from his collection. His ECGs are digitized and beautiful quality for reproduction, and his contributions will be a great asset to any student or teacher of ECG. Dr. Ken Grauer and I want you to feel free to ask us and Dr. Roeschl any questions you have about ECG or teaching ECG. That is the mission of this website - to make it easier for instructors to teach.
To access Dr. Roeschl's content, scroll down to "Recent Blog Posts". Also, when you use the Search feature or the scrollable search, you will find his content by category.
Dr. Roeschl has been an internal medicine and cardiology specialist for three decades, and has been teaching health care professionals ECG for twenty years. We are so happy to have him contribute to this website. For those interested in learning ECG in the German language, he will be hosting a webinar with Dr. Johannes Heck, at www.EKGKurse.online.
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