Submitted by jer5150 on Sat, 12/01/2012 - 09:58
Patient's clinical data: 99-year-old black man admitted to the CCU.
(1.) What is the name of the format this is laid out in? HINT: All 12-lead ECGs in Sweden are printed out in this format. When you answer, please state whether you prefer this configuration to the "standard" (Einthoven format).
(2.) What do you see in this rhythm tracing?
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AAWMI/with Q Waves, RBBB 1st degree av BLK
I believe that format is referred to as the Cabrera sequence as it lays out the leads in their respective order (walking clockwise from aVL by 30 degrees). I have to pay a bit more attention when reading it, only as I need to make sure I'm looking at the "right" leads.
(1.) Sinus rhythm (rate = 72/min) with . . .
(2.) . . . acute extensive anterior (anterolateral) infarction complicated by . . .
(3.) . . . right bundle-branch block (RBBB)
(4.) "First-degree" A-V block (Prolonged P-R intervals = 0.24s).
At the far-advanced age of 99, I'm not sure if the doctors opted to put this patient through an invasive cardiac cath. The RBBB was transient and eventually resolved.
The ECG is laid out in the Cabrera format (also known as the "Panoramic" or "orderly" format). This was adopted at the official format utilized in the country of Sweden however this ECG was recorded in the United States.
For those who've never heard of this format or would like to know more about it, here are two articles about Cabrera:
Jason E. Roediger - Certified Cardiographic Technician (CCT)
[email protected]