Wow. It has really been fun getting this website started. So many of you have written emails and commented on the social media to let me know that you like the site. I am working hard to get more content added so that, every time you come to the site, you will find something new.
For now, if you are a member and you wish to contribute content, please email it to [email protected] . You will soon be able to add it right on the forum, as well. I will make sure your contributions go on the site.
I will be adding more rhythm strips, for those of you who teach basic ECG and monitoring the rate and rhythm. Don't forget, the 12-Leads that have four channels have a rhythm strip at the bottom. Just crop them!
Please check out our Ask the Expert page for Dr. Ken Grauer's wonderful discussion on how to teach hemiblocks. If you have questions to submit to the Ask the Expert page, please email or post in the General forum.
I am looking forward to meeting you all on the forums. We instructors are located in so many different settings, it is hard to meet each other. I have lots of ECGs and illustrations to share, and I'm sure a lot of you do, too. This is the place to do it. Please tell your friends, too.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
- Dawn's blog
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